2014년 12월 11일 목요일

[sambo enc] The story hidden Sambo E&C company logo/safe construction/quality construction/ Liable construction

<Brand Story hidden behind the Logo>

Symbol mark is the most important element which represents the image of Heesung. 

Heesung is our parent company. 

Heesung symbol mark, based on the image of sun, reflects the idea of "Heesung(HS) in 

the world as the basic concept. It shaped "H” "S” in circle, which symbolizes sun and the 

world. Two pillars expressed by "H,” represent a stable foundation and “S” symbolizes 

the future of Heesung, which leaps forward progressively as well as smoothly. “RED” as 

the main color provides passionate and strong image symbolizing the sun and also 

reflects 'Heesung's strong will to leap toward the world. 

Contact us:

 Homepage: www.samboenc.co.kr

Korea: (82) 2-3480-9531

South East Asia, Singapore: (65) 6324-9080

China, Hong Kong: (852) 2735 - 3434

Abu Dhabi: (971) 2 - 447 - 3304

Dubai: (971) 4-447-2711

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